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Slabach Wheeler Reeler
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Reel Collar 2.5"  for Slabach Trailers Slabach Spool Collar 2.5"

Slabach Spool Collar 2.5" Reel Collar or Spool Collar, is used to hold the Reel that is found on the Reel Bar.
This Spool Collar can be used with all SLABACH Trailers.

*Must buy TWO each to make a pair*

Our Price: $73.85
Slabach End Collar 3"  for Slabach Trailers Slabach End Collar 3"

Slabach End Collar 3" End Collar or Spool Collar, is used to hold the Reel that is found on the Reel Bar.
This Spool Collar can be used with all SLABACH Trailers.

*Must buy TWO each to make a pair*

Our Price: $78.13
ROSSE RBBM1 - 9" Cable Reel Tension Brake 9" Cable Reel Tension Brake STELLAR 124262

9″ Roose Reel Tension Brake Model RBBM-1
  • Mounts on reel bar next to real, 8 inches out from side of reel.
  • Reel bar must be stationary for operation.
  • Adjustable pin for reel holes from 2 inches to 11 inches from reel bar. Small compact brake.
  • 2.25" Dia bar on RR-135
  • 2.50” Dia bar on RR-160, RR-185 and RR-200
  • 2.75" Dia bar on RR-114

Our Price: $1,220.00
Slabach Hydraulic Rewind Hydraulic Rewind Slabach

***Please call 1-800-256-5186 for a current quote on this trailer accessory.

Slabach Hydraulic Rewind
Re-spool cable with very little effort, easy adjustment to spool sizes, self contained hydraulic unit, variable speed control, rewinds in either direction, hydraulic power pack available. Comes with frame attachment J-Bolt and two hydraulic Hoses are included

Our Price: $2,960.00
Hydraulic Power Rewind Power Pack 6.5HP SLABACH Hydraulic Power Rewind Power Pack 6.5HP SLABACH

SLABACH PWR PK 6.5HP Power Pack for Hydraulic rewind for I-85 & I-60 Wheeler reeler

Engine -6.5HP Honda

Pump - 5.0 GMP @ 3630 RPM
Valve - Four-way Directional with Relief
Hydraulic Pressure - 2000 PSI max.
Reservoir - 5 US Gallons (1150 cu. inches)
Weight - 95 Pounds Dry
Hoses not included

Our Price: $4,708.52
Wheeler Reeler™ Reel Trailer SLABACH 45 Wheeler Reeler™ Reel Trailer SLABACH 45

The 45 is designed for those who need a trailer to handle lighter, smaller spools and do not want to pay for the extra capacity of a larger trailer.

Our Price: $7,600.00
Wheeler Reeler™ Single Reel Trailer Slabach I-60 Wheeler Reeler™ Single Reel Trailer Slabach I-60***see note

Slabach I-60 Wheeler Reeler Features 6,000 pound payload capacity, manual hydraulic pump, flow divider, internal cylinders, electric brakes, breakaway kit, electric junction box, drop leg jack, safety chains...

Our Price: $8,900.00
Wheeler Reeler™ Multiple Wheel Trailer SLABACH LR120X3 Wheeler Reeler™ Multiple Wheel Trailer SLABACH LR120X3

The LR is designed for those who need a trailer to handle lighter, smaller spools and do not want to pay for the extra capacity of a larger trailer.

Our Price: $10,020.00
Slabach I85  Reel Trailer - Wheeler Reeler™ Single Wheel Trailer Slabach I 85

Slabach I-85 Wheeler Reeler Features 8,500 pound payload rating, manual hydraulic brakes, flow divider, internal cylinders, electric brakes, breakaway kit, electric junction box, drop leg jack, safety chains...

Our Price: $10,300.00
STELLAR RR-185 Single Reel Cable Trailer STELLAR RR-185 Single Reel Cable Trailer

RR-185 Single Reel Cable Trailer Features 8,500-lb-capacity

Our Price: $11,611.76
Setup Cost: $1,200.00
Wheeler Reeler™ Multiple Wheel Trailer SLABACH I-MR110X2 Wheeler Reeler™ Multiple Wheel Trailer SLABACH I-MR110X2

The 45 is designed for those who need a trailer to handle lighter, smaller spools and do not want to pay for the extra capacity of a larger trailer.

Our Price: $11,700.00
Wheeler Reeler™ Multiple Wheel Trailer SLABACH I-MR130X3 Wheeler Reeler™ Multiple Wheel Trailer SLABACH I-MR130X3

The I-MR is designed for those who need a trailer to handle 10ft innerduct reels.

Our Price: $14,400.00